Prince George Kennel Club Show
July 21-23, 2023:
2nd in Group
4th in Group
3rd in Group

American Staffordshire Terrier
Club of Canada Nationals 2023:
Best of Opposite Sex
x2 Best in Juvenile Sweepstakes

As of August 2023:
#6 in Breed in Canada!
x20 Best Puppy in Breed
x18 Best of Breed
x22 Winners Bitch

As of November 30, 2022:
x3 Best Puppy in Group
x14 Best Puppy in Breed
x14 Winners Bitch

Born February 7, 2022

Canadian/Mexican Champion Chargers Gazella B-Train "Axle"
x Chargers N Wild West's 2 Guns "Snoopy" (NCLA-Clear)

Fifteen months old at the Prince George Kennel Club
in July 2023. Thank you to all the judges who awarded
Sierra Group placements!

Sierra 9 months old. Image by Gray Hound Photography.

Thank you to judges Dr. Jose Antonio Molina Ortiz and
Patricia Taylor for Sierra's two Best Puppy in Groups
at just 9 months old! (Wheat City Kennel Club)

Expertly handled and loved by Denise Smith,
Denmark Mangalino Estacio, and Mandy Ettel.

Sierra wins Best Baby Puppy in Specialty &
Best Baby Puppy in Group All Breed at just
under 6 months old!

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